Welcome to the KaktusKontainer
The Official Sandbox of the Inner Circle
Hello everyone, and welcome to the happiest place on earth - the KaktusKontainer. My name is djkaktus.
Back in the long ago of 2014, I had a dream: make the most marginally optimal sandbox in the entire greater SCP Foundation Wiki community. For many long years it was just that - a dream! But then a few years later, I realized that all you had to do to make a sandbox was do it, and I did! Thus, the KaktusKontainer was born.
I hope you've enjoyed this educational lesson on the history of the KaktusKontainer. Until next time, I'm djkaktus!
Page Category
Secret Page
Can only be seen by whoever created it
Member Page
Can be seen and edited by any Member of Kaktus Kontainer, but is not visible to a non-member
Collab Page
Will allow anyone, member or not, edit the page but can only be created by a member
Sigma Page
Will make the page's default theme Sigma 9 (the default theme of the SCP-Wiki)
Secret Sigma Page
Same as secret with the Sigma 9 theme
Member Sigma Page
Same as member with the Sigma 9 theme
Collab Sigma Page
Same as collaboration with the Sigma 9 theme
page revision: 65, last edited: 28 May 2020 19:02