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Item#: 4933
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:


The structure housing SCP-4933-01, Wyoming, United States

Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force
SUBSITE-4933 D. Dendivale E. Hartz Lambda-99


Still from broadcast corrupted by SCP-4933, during weather report deconstructing the biblical parable of the Good Samaritan

Special Containment Procedures: Foundation global listening network PANOPTICON is to monitor all electromagnetic broadcasts placed within the 98-100 MHz frequency range for any transmissions made by SCP-4933. If one is detected, interference signals are to be transmitted via satellite and radio tower to the area affected by the broadcast, with any resultant signal corruption witnessed by the populace to be dismissed as a technical malfunction.

All SCP-4933 broadcasts are to be recorded, transcribed, and archived within Area-179's secure media wing on hard disk drive H0A-4933. In the event of propagation of SCP-4933 broadcasts on the internet, via recordings or word of mouth, offending materials are to be removed by Foundation Webcrawler Lambda-99-A ("Jaws") and guilty parties amnesticized.

The area 300 meters surrounding SCP-4933-01 is not to be entered by any persons not wearing specialized high-amplitude radio wave dampening equipment, and is to be cordoned by a permanently stationed Foundation security team.

Description: SCP-4933 is a phenomenon which interrupts, corrupts, and alters live or prerecorded television broadcasts within a localized area of up to 1,000 kilometers.

There appears to be no discerning criteria relating to the contingency or choice of programming which SCP-4933 affects. The only constant constituent between all recorded broadcasts is a distinct, visual wavering pattern which oscillates at approximately 99 Hz.

SCP-4933-affected broadcasts will have their content noticeably altered in some way. This varies greatly in both extent and substance. Recorded alterations have consisted of as little as a single word of character dialogue transposed for another, or as much as programs with new characters and entirely restructured plots which deviate significantly from the original. Content alterations with dialogue will be predominantly coherent in terms of sentence structure and grammar, but may contain unknown words, and will occasionally allude to or address esoteric, enigmatic, or inscrutable topics in an oblique fashion. Non-dialogue alterations appear to possess no discernible pattern, but will frequently involve characters performing actions or engaging in behaviors entirely divergent from their established and scripted norms. A selection of notable examples follows below.

Addendum.4933.1: Examples of SCP-4933 Affected Broadcasts

Date: 04 April 1959
Localized Broadcast Location: Boulder, Colorado, USA, approximately 40,000 televisions affected
Scheduled Program: I Love Lucy, Season 2, Episode 10, “Lucy Is Enceinte”
Program Deviations:

Episode deviates from baseline at 2:30. Lucy returns from her appointment at the doctor's office as normal, but upon being informed, Ethel reacts to Lucy's news of her newfound pregnancy with vehement negativity as opposed to positivity, to the point of overturning tables and breaking furniture while shouting various expletives. The remainder of the episode consists mainly of a debate between Lucy and Ethel concerning the moral implications of choosing to raise a child in contemporary society. Lucy remains stoic and calm and argues in favor of contemporary childbearing with uncharacteristic eloquence, while Ethel perches upon an overturned couch and angrily demands that Lucy terminate the pregnancy, claiming that bringing a child to term in modern America is tantamount to infanticide.

Lucy's husband, Ricky, returns home in a haggard state after a night of performing. Ethel and Lucy continue their argument, ignoring his presence. Wordlessly, Ricky then uses a large frying pan to knock out both women. He faces the camera, smiles, and shrugs. He briefly monologues about language, saying that it is constraining, and was only created to quell humanity's fear of the 'beasts' that would thrive in its absence. Episode cuts to black abruptly and at the scheduled time, with no end slate or credits.

Date: 21 November 1983
Localized Broadcast Location: Manchester, United Kingdom, approximately 100,000 televisions affected
Scheduled Program: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Season 1, Episode 63, "The Huntsman"
Program Deviations:

Episode deviates from established plot immediately. The shows respective protagonist and antagonist, He-Man and Skeletor, are engaged in combat in a wooded location that appears to take place on earth, a deviation from the show's usual setting of the fictional realm of Eternia. Behind them is a massive black mountain surrounded by storm clouds. The majority of the episode consists of combat, which is animated with uncharacteristic fluidity and sophistication, with little dialogue from He-Man other than guttural vocalizations. Skeletor explains that He-Man will soon be incapacitated forever, as people around the world have begun writing, and he will no longer be able to terrorize them. Skeletor stabs He-Man in the stomach, and a green, viscous fluid leaks. The fluid screams as it exudes from He-Man's body. Skeletor then produces a stone tablet with indecipherable symbols, and forces the object into He-Man's wound, which contorts and adjusts to the tablet's shape.

The episode then cuts to Skeletor standing in front of a large army of humans, outfitted in crude animal pelts and brandishing rudimentary spears. As Skeletor approaches the injured He-Man, each soldier produces a stone tablet of their own, and carves symbols onto it using sharp, pointed tools. He-Man is then subjected to a verbal ritual, carried out by Skeletor, that compresses and divides his body into six spheres, each encircled with organs and bodily features. The army cheers, and Skeletor leads them, with spheres in-hand, to the top of the mountain.

Remaining 9 minutes consist of an extended shot of the mountain, as distressed wailing is heard in the background. Episode fades to credits.

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